The Clark Co Health Dept will be open on Wednesday October 2nd from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM

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Please Note: Indiana rules generally prohibit open burning except for certain exceptions and Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) encourages alternatives to open burning. Open burning is the combustion of any matter in the open or in an open dump. 

You may submit an application seeking approval from IDEM to engage in open burning if there is a need to burn waste.

Click here for more information on Open Burning Rules and Regulations

General Open Burning Guidelines (where permitted):

Open burning is generally not allowed in Clark County, especially if the materials to be burned include solid waste. 

If you have questions whether the materials you wish to burn or if the location you wish to burn is permissible, please visit  the IDEM Open Burning  Information Page for current regulations. 

If you are permitted to open burn please follow IDEM's guidance, inform the Clark County Health Department at 812-282-7521 prior to the burn event, and most importantly be safe! 

For a general guidance for open burning in the State of Indiana, download a Open Burning Pamphlet from IDEM.


Promoting a Safe and Healthy Community for the People of Clark County Indiana